About Proudirish.com, Ireland
Proudirish.com is an Ireland information and links website, located
and managed in Ireland. We provide links to many sites of
Irish interest, a web search facility, free yourname@proudirish.com email
addresses and discussion boards to all users.
The Irish information and links site is integrated with an online Irish
department store. This combination allows
the provision of Irish related content to browsers, who
then have the opportunity to buy gifts from Ireland and Irish
related goods and services.
The onnline department store will be of particular interest to those
wishing to sell Irish related products and services outside of Ireland.
Proudirish.com was established in 2001 and relaunched in February 2004
after a substantial upgrade.
Email marketingremovespam@proudirish.com
- should you have any questions
- with any suggestions regarding additional content
- with suggested changes to Proudirish.com
- to suggest a link from Proudirish.com
- to request a link to your own site
- to request further information on selling your product or service
from Proudirish.com.
Please delete the words " removespam " from the email address above
to avoid being filed as SPAM.